Kick My Bucket List

How to Become a Pro Couponing Money Saver!

When it comes to achieving your dreams, whether it’s buying your bucket list car or moving to a beautiful tropical island, you need some money in the bank. One of the most surefire ways to ensure you’ve got the dough you need for such endeavors is to save on the stuff you have to buy every day. Every little bit saved adds up over time, and – as they say – slow and steady wins the race!

Getting the hang of couponing, shopping sales and reducing your overall consumption rate is a great way to save money. If you get a good savings system going, you’ll find yourself with more money on hand to buy the finer things that you really want.

Name Brands? No Way

Go to your local grocery store and compare name brand products to generic products. Then, consider the amount of extra money you’ve spent buying identical products just because you preferred the name and logo on one of them.

There’s no reason to buy non-generic products unless you’re just really rolling in dough. You’ll probably cut your grocery bill anywhere from twenty-five to fifty percent just by buying only store brand, generic goods. Trust us: bread is bread, and toiler paper of any brand gets the job done (maybe avoid the single-ply though).

Shop Those Sales

Weekly sales are a fact of life at every grocery store. Every week, a number of products are on sale for a steep discount. You’re likely never going to break even on this unless you do some planning and shop at a few different places.

When you review weekly ads for sales, make sure you’re only targeting items you already need and purchase. Don’t let some “too good to be true” deal on an obscure item convince you to buy it just because “you can’t pass up this deal.” That’s how you spend more money than you need to. Only buy the essentials that you need. Of course, if there is a great deal on whole chickens, then maybe you plan to eat a lot of chicken that week! Be smart and think ahead.

Coupon Research

Likewise, do your research on the coupons available for your local stores. Find the steepest discounts by comparing the coupons to the weekly ad. The right combination of coupons and sales might result in the store owing you money for the items you’re “buying”!

Make sure you find out which coupons can be redeemed alongside a weekly sale, and which can be stacked. When you find the best coupons on the items you already need and buy, you’ll find your grocery bill plummeting. Then, you can save that extra cash for the stuff you really want to buy!

Couponing does take time. That’s a fact. But you’ll discover that once you get some practice under your belt, the time it takes to identify great deals or coupons on your usual items will shrink substantially. And even if you only use a few coupons per week, you are still saving money. You don’t have to be the “crazy coupon lady” unless you want to be! And trust us, if you have the time, it may be worth considering.

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