The new year has just begun, and I bet you’re already tired of all those “new year, new you” posts all over the place. How many photos have your friends posted from the gym after they just bought a new membership? And how long before they stop going?
The truth is, the start of the new year is a great time for all of us to make a fresh start, but sometimes the super lofty goals only set us up for failure. Going big isn’t always the best idea. And I’m not saying that you shouldn’t start hitting the gym and getting fit, but I do think that we should make realistic resolutions that we can keep.
If you never work out, maybe resolving to take the stairs instead of the elevator is a good small step toward getting in shape. If you have a problem collecting clutter, try starting with something small like your junk drawer.
Here are some great attainable ideas for New Year’s resolutions to get you started on a journey to developing better habits and feeling like a whole new you!
Organize Your Drawers
This is probably something that you always say you’ll get around to, but it always ends up at the bottom of the list (aka not done). Organizing your clothes properly will make you feel better, and make your morning routine run a little more smoothly. Don’t stop with just your drawers, either. Go ahead and organize your closet, too. Resolve to keep it organized all year!
Clean Out Your Closet
While you’re doing all that organizing, it’s probably time to get rid of some things, too. All of us hang on to clothes that don’t fit or items that we no longer need. If you never wear it, get rid of it.
Try Out New Food
Pick a restaurant that you’ve never been to, a cuisine that you’re curious about, or even just a particular dish at a restaurant that you’ve never had. You might surprise yourself with a new favorite food.
Double Your Water Intake
Being hydrated is never a bad idea. Resolve to drink more water this year, and try to double your water intake.
Set a Savings Goal
You don’t need to have some crazy savings plan, but it’s a good idea to have some kind of monthly savings goal. Look at your finances and choose a monthly goal that feels realistic.
Chat Regularly With Old Friends
Adulting gets difficult, and it can be hard to stay connected to friends when you exhaust yourself on responsibilities, work, kids, side hustles or traveling. One day each week, or even one day each month, schedule some time to call an old friend to catch up for a while.
Clean Out Your Junk Drawer
Look, there’s no shame in having a junk drawer. 99.9% of people have one, I promise. However, make a resolution this year to clean it out. I promise you’ll feel a thousand times better just knowing that some of the clutter is gone. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, throw some drawer organizers in there to keep it tidy all year long.
Set a Reading Goal
Reading can help improve your memory, analytical skills, vocabulary and concentration. It also provides a great way to reduce stress, and we could all use a little more stress reduction in our lives.
Set yourself a reading goal for the year. Choose something doable and get started! It doesn’t have to be old-school paperbacks, either. You can take advantage of audiobooks during your work commute.
Start Saving Loose Change
Do you tend to dump your pockets out wherever? Or throw your loose change in the bottom of your purse? Pick one container to collect all of your loose change and see how much it adds up over the year.
Clean Up Your Email Inbox
This could end up being quite the task, but can you imagine not having that red “6,500” label glaringly reminding you of all those unread (mostly junk) emails? Hit unsubscribe on all those you never read, too.
Clean Up Your Phone
After you finish cleaning out your inbox, it’s time to clean out your phone, too. Back up the important stuff, and then delete everything you don’t need readily available: apps, photos, text messages, everything. You’ll never see that annoying “Storage Almost Full” message again.
Take the Stairs
Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you get the chance. It’s the simplest way to squeeze in a little more movement into your day. Your body will thank you!
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